Inside My Journal
5 Pillars of Gentle Shadow Integration
As we do shadow integration work, it's so easy to get stuck when we come upon aspects of self and humanity that can be tough to accept. Sometimes shadow integration can be pretty hardcore, but I invite people to take a more gentle approach to the integration of our shadow, one based on self-love and compassion.
Here are the 5 Pillars of Gentle Shadow Integration:
Pillar 1: Self-Compassion
I like to think of it like this - how can I blame myself for what my ego did to protect me? How can I bl…
Applying "Relationship First" to Parenting
Happy Women's Day: Let's Connect on a Deeper Level
Why You Need to Stop Trying to Get Rid of the Ego
Our ego is our protector.
Relating to Your Parent With Dementia
Stop Being So Hard On Yourself
We have connected relationships, thriving families and awesome lives because we love and accept ourselves, not the other way around.
But, when I get started with my clients and they come around to believing that to get what they want, they need to love and accept themselves, they ask me…”okay….so….how do I do that?”
To be completely honest, it's not a "three steps" or "21 day challenge" kind of a thing. It's more like a journey.
So, let's set our GPS to the intersection of self-acceptance ave…
Shadow Integration 101: Projection and Judgments
Most of the women who join The Whole Soul Way program NEVER want to be called selfish.
Or lazy.
Or disrespectful.
Or mean.
Like they abhor those things––and they feel disgusted at the idea that anyone would say that about them.
And they get uncomfortable when we get to the point in The Whole Soul Way program where we talk about the "Cherished Self" and they learn that what we find offensive or repulsive in another is mirroring a part of us that's also in us. 😱
That we may do our best …
How To Connect When Your Teen Is Focused on Their Phone
When My Kids Were Little, They Talked To Me
Sure I got the standard, “Fine” when I asked, “How was school?” or “Nothing,” when I asked what they did, but as we did activities together or as I snuggled them at night, they’d tell me things. Things they did and things they wanted, silly things and meaningful things.
As they’ve become teenagers, those conversations have started to dry up a little. As I see less of them, I notice my desire to reconnect at the end of the school day. I work from ho…
Love Ourselves: Let's Replace Love with Include
It's so hard to "love" parts of ourselves that we've spent our lives trying to "not be".
But what if it was less personal and more, neutral.
Like a thing we have to do in order to get to the fulfillment, inner peace and connection that we all want? Maybe the word "love" trips us up and the better word is "include."
Can you INCLUDE all aspects of yourself? Even those parts of you that you try hard not to be?
This is the journey of being inclusive - to integrate all parts of ourselves into w…
Self-Love is a Way of Being, Not Another Thing To Do
It's so easy to neglect self-care because we have too much to do. We KNOW that if we were to take care of ourselves, everything else would be easier and better, but we just can't do it (for a myriad of reasons hidden behind "I don't have the time"). Nevertheless, I recommend we look at it differently.
What if Self-Love is more of how we "be" in the world and the tiny little choices we make all day, rather than "another thing to do on your list?"
What if it's the way we act all day long - can …
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- Nervous System Regulation (1)
- Parent with Dementia (1)
- Parent Yourself (1)