Inside My Journal

Love Ourselves: Let's Replace Love with Include

Replace Love with Include Video Thumbnail

It's so hard to "love" parts of ourselves that we've spent our lives trying to "not be".

But what if it was less personal and more, neutral.

Like a thing we have to do in order to get to the fulfillment, inner peace and connection that we all want? Maybe the word "love" trips us up and the better word is "include."

Can you INCLUDE all aspects of yourself? Even those parts of you that you try hard not to be? 

This is the journey of being inclusive - to integrate all parts of ourselves into w…

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Self-Love is a Way of Being, Not Another Thing To Do

Self Love as a Way of Being Video Thumbnail

It's so easy to neglect self-care because we have too much to do. We KNOW that if we were to take care of ourselves, everything else would be easier and better, but we just can't do it (for a myriad of reasons hidden behind "I don't have the time"). Nevertheless, I recommend we look at it differently.

What if Self-Love is more of how we "be" in the world and the tiny little choices we make all day, rather than "another thing to do on your list?" 

What if it's the way we act all day long - can …

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True Self-Love Requires Some Tough Love

2021 Blog True Self-Love Requires Some Tough Love

It's so easy to get confused and think self-love is all about following your moment to moment feelings, only doing what feels good, always choosing what feels comfortable.

But it's not!

Self-love requires the balance between gentleness and nurturing AND truth and aspirations - reaching for what you want to create in your life. Tough love isn't bad - when we consider the bigger picture...WHY we're doing what we're doing, we sometimes need a little tough love to do what it takes to get there.


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What is Self-Abandonment?

What is Self-Abandonment? (Vlog)
Most of us never got all of our needs met as a child, so we spend the rest of our lives hoping that others will meet those needs for us - spouse, parents, children, friends, bosses, etc. And then, as we become socialized, we learn that parts of us are not acceptable. So what do we do? We learn to abandon ourselves by looking (primarily) outside to others (instead of turning toward ourselves to provide ourselves the care we need) and we learn to abandon parts of ourselves that we have been taught…

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