Inside My Journal

Self-Love Includes Loving the Parts You Fear are Unlovable

2021 Blogs - FB Format (7)

Maybe you've heard people talking about self-love as if it’s just “this thing” you should just do or have.

But I want to be completely honest with you

Self-love is not an easy journey and can feel uncomfortable

Tremendous rewards, but hard work nonetheless.

We don’t get taught how to love ourselves. In fact, most of us get taught how to reject and criticize ourselves, to beat ourselves up, through subtle and not-so-subtle cues throughout childhood and beyond.

Self-love is not just “girl, yo…

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One Thing You Can Do to Make the World a Better Place

2021 Blogs - FB Format (6)

Got problems? The world certainly seems to have lots of problems. It seems overwhelming – how can we get ourselves out of the mess we are in? So much fear, war, anger, hate, deceit, self-serving behaviors and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. And don't even get me started on the divisiveness and polarization. The solutions to these problems that we face on a global level are not clear.

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein…

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Do You Think of Yourself as Spiritual?

2021 Blogs - FB Format (5)

Let's talk spirituality and how it connects to YOU and the world.

Is spirituality the same as religion?

I notice there are some who have a pretty strong emotional reaction to the word spirituality because they associate it with organized religion. Many people have a positive response. Many people have a negative response. While “religion” is certainly one way to define spirituality, it feels a bit limiting to me.


I notice others who respond strongly because they hear spirituality as…

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12 Ways to Ditch Drama in Relationships

2021 Blogs - FB Format (4)

Relationships are complex – we take two or more people with different personalities, belief systems, communication styles, ways of thinking, senses of humor and more and we stick them together and expect them to form connections and relate to one another. Surprisingly, most of us manage to do this quite well.

Inevitably, there are times when we end up in hot water.

Maybe we offend someone or hurt someone’s feelings. Or maybe it’s us who is on the receiving end. It’s bound to happen…it’s part o…

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You Have to Love Yourself to Love Another. Myth or Reality?

2021 Blogs - FB Format (3)

You’ve probably heard people say “you can only love others as much as you love yourself.”

Myth or reality?

I think it’s a myth.

I mean, you love your kids like crazy, right? And most people have been in loving romantic relationships and have loving, compassionate friendships.

So, nah, I don’t buy it…I think we can love others even when we don’t love ourselves.

But I also think it’s pretty unlikely you’ll be truly happy if you don’t love yourself.

“To me, it’s extremely unlikely that withou…

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Looking for Love in All The Wrong Places

2021 Blogs - FB Format (2)

Ten years ago, I was deeply entrenched in the belief that if my husband would be more romantic, affectionate, connected, attentive, helpful, fill in the blank, I would be happier. I would feel more loved.

Maybe you can relate on some level?

I believed that my husband caused most of my problems. Truthfully, I was about ready to leave my marriage.

“In life, you can blame a lot of people and you can wallow in self-pity, or you can pick yourself up and say, ‘Listen, I have to be responsible for…

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Advice for Chronic Worriers

2021 Blogs - FB Format (1)

By default, if you’re a parent, you worry.

We know in our minds that worrying doesn't help, but that doesn't seem to stop us.

You know how it goes: something happens (your kids are on their iPhones too much) and you tell yourself a story (this is going to be a problem) and then you feel afraid for the future. You go into fear. You play out the possibilities and by the time you're done, you've become the creator of an elaborate story about how their lives are going to be ruined because of t…

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Red Pen the Shoulds

Red Pen the Shoulds
Sometimes when we feel busy we end up not proactively looking at our schedule and making sure we're focused on the right things. Sometimes we do the easy things and never get to the important harder stuff. Often we don't ask for help. Mostly we get fixed in the mindset that we need to do it all. But if you were to get sick right now, the world would not stop if you didn't do

A L L.  T H E.  T H I N G S.

I'm not saying you don't do a ton of important, valuable, necessary things. I kno…

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The Silent Marriage Killer

The Silent Marriage Killer

Click here to listen to the short TikTok video I recorded about this

When you said “I do” to your partner, I’ll bet you never thought you'd become passing ships in the night, tag-teaming to bring one kid here the other kid there, so busy that there would be no time to nurture your relationship.

You may have even vowed to never let that happen to you.

In 2010 - our kids were 6 and 8 - my husband and I reached a crisis point in our marriage. He insisted we speak to our Rabbi. I was not excited …

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When Mindfulness Feels Too Hard

When Mindfulness Feels Too Hard

:: Context - I broke my Greater Trochanter / Upper Femur in a skiing accident 12 days before I wrote this :: 

​Lying in bed last night I got caught in the swirl of thought and fear: I can't handle it anymore. How can I do this for months? Will I ever fully recover? Can I handle the rehab? How much longer do I have to sleep in this position? Will I ever get a good nights' sleep again? I felt trapped and hopeless.

Somehow, even while lying mostly still, I found myself writhing.

In the dark of the nig…

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