Inside My Journal

Life Happens, How You Experience Life is a Choice

Blog Life For or To You

Life happens.

Good stuff. Painful stuff. Tragic stuff. Traumatic stuff. Scary stuff. Sweet stuff. Fun stuff.

We have some control over what happens.

And a lot of stuff just happens.

Would you agree?

Because if we agree that life happens whether we like it or not, and we can't control a lot of what happens, we have a choice on the perspective we take on the experience of life.

Ya know, the one that doesn't always make sense and is filled with suffering and unexplainable tragedy.

>>> We can see ourselves…

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The Emergence of the Woman Who Wants More

2022 Blogs - FB Format (8)

About 12 years ago, I started to want more.

I didn't even know what that really meant.

I was restless and felt disconnected from myself. I wasn't satisfied - like a deep internal dissatisfaction. There was some longing from within, but I couldn't put words to it.

I had achieved a lot of success by doing all the “right” things. It felt easy to do what was expected of me. To check the boxes of society's rules for success. I experienced a lot of validation and I was rewarded for my commitment an…

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5 Ways to Be a Conscious Parent

2022 Blogs - FB Format (6)

When you look around, in your home or around you, what do you see? I know that I see a lot of anxious kids. I see parents who are worried, really busy and stressed out. 

What if I told you that there is another way to do this parenting thing?

Perhaps you've heard of Conscious Parenting? Dr. Shefali Tsabary is probably the most well-known speaker and teacher about conscious parenting, having authored The Conscious Parent book. 

She didn't invent it, but she and Oprah certainly did elevate it i…

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Where Parents Get It Wrong When Teaching Empathy to Kids (and What Actually Works)

2022 Blogs - FB Format (3)

How do kids learn empathy?

I see a lot of parents of young children trying to teach empathy or teach kids to be empathetic by the parent telling their child how their child's behavior impacts them (the parent):

"When you said that, it hurt"
"That hurt my feelings"
"I'm sad that you did that"
"Don't speak to me that way, that's hurtful"
"What you said was mean and unacceptable"

I see how we could get to thinking that this would work. But it won't.

That's not teaching empathy. That's teaching them that th…

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Happy Women's Day: Let's Connect on a Deeper Level

2021 Blogs - FB Format (24)
I have the absolute pleasure and honor to have built a business that has me walking beside so many amazing women, guiding them on their journey home to themselves, The Whole Soul Way™. They never cease to amaze me with their vulnerability, authenticity, self-awareness and courage.

I was bullied as a teenager and had some emotionally devastating losses in the female friendship department over the first 2 decades of my life. The list is long of ways that I internalized a message that wo…

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An Important Tip to Become a Better Listener

Listen Better

I saw this on Facebook today: "Normalize not sharing a relatable story about yourself when someone shares something about themselves, and just listen." 

(note: normalizing doesn't mean eliminating, so don't feel bad if you do this - there is a time and a place for everything!)

I know how hard this is, and most people think that this is showing the person that they're not alone or that they can relate. And yes, at times it can be more of a competition, but I'm not sure that's the most com…

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Have We Abandoned the Feminine?

2021 Blogs - FB Format (10)

When you feel you are being moved by the creative spirit, you are in fact being moved by the divine feminine.” ~ Teri Delger

What's happened to the value that historically (many many lifetimes ago) was placed on being a sensual, intuitive, feminine woman? There were times when humans worshipped Mother Earth, the Goddess. Women were revered and honored for their femininity.

Within each human being there are masculine and feminine energies. When we balance the two, we can feel both that we a…

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One Thing You Can Do to Make the World a Better Place

2021 Blogs - FB Format (6)

Got problems? The world certainly seems to have lots of problems. It seems overwhelming – how can we get ourselves out of the mess we are in? So much fear, war, anger, hate, deceit, self-serving behaviors and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. And don't even get me started on the divisiveness and polarization. The solutions to these problems that we face on a global level are not clear.

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein…

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Do You Think of Yourself as Spiritual?

2021 Blogs - FB Format (5)

Let's talk spirituality and how it connects to YOU and the world.

Is spirituality the same as religion?

I notice there are some who have a pretty strong emotional reaction to the word spirituality because they associate it with organized religion. Many people have a positive response. Many people have a negative response. While “religion” is certainly one way to define spirituality, it feels a bit limiting to me.


I notice others who respond strongly because they hear spirituality as…

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Are Our Children Really Ours?

Are your children your own

I truly believed that I was parenting in a very open-minded and progressive way prior to reading a book called Unconditional Parenting by Alfie Kohn. I've tried very hard to be an open communicator, to resist punishing opting instead for turning it into a learning opportunity, to really hear my children, to love them in a way that I thought was truly unconditional, etc.. I believe that most parents actually do unconditionally love their children – that no matter what our kids do, we'll still lov…

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