Ignite a Spark Text

A soul reading for midlife women who refuse to succumb to the narrative that their best years are behind them and are instead claiming that the best is yet to come!
Let's tap into your soul's deepest longings together.

And you'll walk away feeling clear, calm, and confident!


If you're a midlife woman longing for more...
...grab your spot NOW for an Ignite a Spark Call!


Lonely Woman on Couch

Are you a woman in the second half of your life and don’t want to keep living the way you’ve been living?

  • living a frenetic pace,
  • putting yourself on the back burner,
  • your happiness and health suffering,
  • exhausted by unfulfilling relationships,
  • always too hard on yourself, and
  • trying to live up to everybody’s expectations.

And you’re sick of it?

Do you wish you could be more self-compassionate, softer, and more relaxed while staying action-oriented?

Do you want to be the author of your second half and ensure that these next years are your best years without having to disrupt the life you've worked so hard to create?

When it's over, I want to say: all my life, I was a bride married to amazement.
I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.

When it's over, I don't want to wonder i
f I have made of my life something particular, and real.

I don't want to find myself sighing and frightened, or full of argument.

I don't want to end up simply having visited this world.”

- Mary Oliver

You may be wondering...

  • Who am I?
  • What’s next?
  • What do I even want?
  • How do I live true to myself?
  • What would that even look like?
  • How do I step into something more?
  • How can I make sure I don't get to the end of my life regretting that I didn't go for it?

When it comes to your purpose, dreams, relationships, and health, sometimes you need someone who can see what you might not need a new perspective or to see what else is possible.

You need someone who sees the spark in you that you might not fully see for yourself!

Compass with Woman


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...know what you should do but feel stuck or playing out old patterns

...feel unfulfilled, burnt out, and discouraged...and need an inspiration and confidence boost

...have changes you want to make—in your career, health, or relationships—and need clear steps for how to get from here to there

...have a whispering of desire calling to you...inviting you to birth an idea into the world that could make an impact (but the truth is, it scares the crap out of you)

...know there’s a “truth” in you that longs to be expressed, but it feels risky and daunting to put yourself out there that fully

...want to reclaim your true self and live true to yourself, but you feel unsure what that would even entail

Imagine, instead of all of those questions, you felt calm, clear, and confident? You...

  • Feel seen at your core and know yourself better after one hour
  • Go from jumbled thoughts and feelings to clarity and ease
  • Tap into your confidence
  • Unveil the truth about what you want
  • Get permission to want more for yourself (even if you already have a really good life)
  • GET ANSWERS (about what you desire for your second half and how to get there)

Without the:

  • Pressure to have have all the answers (that's why it's a soul reading)
  • Limiting beliefs taking over your mind and stealing your spark
  • Paralysis when you get to the "how" of your big ideas

Join me for an Ignite a Spark Reading

This one-hour intuitive reading is dedicated to supporting you to get the clarity you seek and the guidance you need that will leave you feeling confident in taking the next step.

No matter how effective you are in your life (and I know you are 😉), gaining a broadened perspective from someone who is untethered to our stories can be a gift. 

And someone who sees things most people don’t see.

Imagine an hour dedicated solely to you, where you feel seen deeply and heard in a way that leaves you feeling supported, validated, and inspired!

If you're a midlife woman longing for more...
...grab your spot NOW for your Ignite a Spark Call!

I want this!

Once you've scheduled the call, I will send you an online worksheet to complete before our call!

What's possible...

Get clarity on that inner knowing that you’re ready for a change in the second half of your life

What ignites you...

Walk away charged up with a plan and a fire in you to get you started in shifting from the way you lived in your first half to a new way in your second half

Balanced with priorities...

Feel safe, knowing your plans are aligned with your values, ensuring you don't end up at the end of your life with regrets

Expand into all of who you are.

Explore what’s possible.

Woman on a Path

Deb with Tarot Cards

I’m Deb.

I’m a seer and can peer into the depths of your soul and reflect things to you that you've always known deep down but have pushed away.

I help you to see your unique gifts and specialness. To step more fully into the truth of who you are.

The extraordinary and irreplaceable you.

The you who’s here for a reason and is ready to step more fully into your authenticity.

We’ll unveil possibilities you may have never considered.

We’ll put words to that which you’ve struggled to articulate.

We’ll tap into expanded perspectives your soul has longed for you to embody. 

I create a sanctuary, a judgment-free space, for your unfiltered thoughts and dreams. 

And I hold a wide enough container to welcome all of you–you will never be too much for me. 

Together, we integrate the mosaic of your life—personal, physical, relational, professional, spiritual—aligning it with the authentic fingerprint of your soul.

Let’s amplify your individuality, catalyze your growth, and create a legacy that's true to your essence.

Together, we’ll unlock your full potential and create a "second half" that feels deeply fulfilling, meaningful, and authentic to you.

My commitment is to guide you toward what’s best for and most aligned with you.

What to expect during a Reading

  1. You tell me what’s up in your life
  2. I ask some questions, you respond
  3. Then, I flow with what my intuition guides me toward...
  4. While checking in with you to see how it’s landing

While I may get on a roll with my inspired insights, this is still a co-creation and is all about you.

These sessions will be one hour in length and a phone call (not Zoom).

Here’s the thing...we both know you’ve got the answers within you. 

But I know too many women who stay stuck, trying to figure out the perfect path forward (without ever taking a step) and let YEARS (or a whole lifetime) pass by without taking action on the little nudges from their soul. 

That’s why you need someone like me to help you wriggle yourself out of the limitations of your human self and discover the most aligned path to step into your soul’s full expression.

Scheduling this call could be just the thing that gets you moving so that the path will begin to unfold in front of you. 

Don’t let years pass by...

Ignite That Spark Now!


So, if you're a midlife woman longing for more...
...grab your spot NOW for a FREE Ignite a Spark Call!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can intuition provide practical solutions to my problems?

Intuition is a powerful tool that complements practical decision-making. In these readings, I combine intuition with empathy and deep listening to offer insights that resonate deeply and provide practical, actionable solutions. It's not just about mystical insights; it's about connecting with inner wisdom and using it to navigate life's challenges effectively.

What can be accomplished in only one session?

Sometimes, you simply feel stuck on one particular, nagging challenge that keeps presenting itself, and you need an outside perspective to show you what you’re missing. A profound amount of relief can come from a perspective shift, and that’s exactly what you can expect from one of these sessions. With the shift in perspective, you can expect to walk away with clarity on your next step, which can sometimes be all you need to move forward again.

How soon will I be able to book my session?

Right now! Click the link and you can schedule online. Once you sign up, I will send you an online worksheet to complete before we meet. It will help you to gather your thoughts and for me to get to know you before our call. You will get reminder emails as well!

What kinds of topics can I come to my session with?

You're welcome to come with whatever is on your mind and we can explore what's possible!

Is there a money-back guarantee?

No money-back guarantee. You may not walk away with a clear answer, but you will walk away with new possibilities and an expanded view of the situation you bring!

How do you do a “reading”? Is this like Tarot or consulting with guides?

I never thought of myself as an intuitive. But I have recently been told by many people that I see things that they can't see. That I tap into THEM deeply and then seem to ask questions and suggest possibilities that feel so aligned and that they never would have considered. I seem to SEE beyond what others see - I see potential, possibilities, and the magic within the people I'm with.

There may be times when I will pull out Tarot or Oracle Cards, look up the meaning of a physical ailment, or use other tools.

But mostly, I have a gift of seeing people and helping them expand more fully into who they are and the possibilities that are meant for them.

Deb Blum
Amber Duffney - CEO, EmpowerHER Designs

“I had the pleasure of working with Deb on a call this summer when I was in the throes of a failing coaching business that I just couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t able to build momentum on.

Deb lent such a kind, compassionate ear and helped me see how looking in another direction for income might be worth a shot.

During our hour chat, she really helped me see things from a different perspective and helped me shift from feeling hopeless and frustrated to feeling hopeful and encouraged.

I highly recommend working with Deb. She has a great way of seeing things from a different perspective and helping you see that as well so you can get unstuck. I’m forever grateful for that transformational call.”

CEO, EmpowerHER Designs

Deb Blum
Kim Gross - Podcast Host & Public Speaker, From People-Pleasing and Perfectionism to emPOWERment

“What impresses me so much about Deb is her ability to see so clearly the big picture.

Whether she was helping me with my business or my personal life, she always helps me to see multiple perspectives that I was not able to see on my own.

I especially found this ability of hers to be helpful whenever I was stuck in coming up with ideas for how to do a particular thing with my business and she would have the foresight that helped me unlock my own creativity.”

Podcast Host & Public Speaker, From People-Pleasing and Perfectionism to emPOWERment

Deb Blum
Nicole Terrell - Pleasure Coach, Wildly Worthy Women

“My biggest challenge in pursuing my purpose has been a crippling imposter syndrome that kept me from honoring my strengths and had me paralyzed when it came to taking action to create what I wanted.

Who was I to act like I knew what I was talking about? Why would anyone want to pay me to help them?

Deb, in her unique and magic way, helped me to ground into my truth, acknowledge my wisdom and experience, and reframe my inner dialogue when it came to believing in myself and my ability to do whatever it is that I set my mind to.

Without Deb’s calm ability to see my brilliance when I couldn’t see it myself, I would still be playing small, hiding, and saying that I don’t know anything.”

Pleasure Coach, Wildly Worthy Women

I’m Deb and my intuitive insight isn't just a skill; it's a superpower—a gift that allows me to truly see you, listen intently, and uncover perspectives you might have missed from your vantage point. Together, we'll peel back the layers that veil your magic and uniqueness, illuminating the path to making the impossible feel undeniably achievable. I see things in different ways…

Navigating the esoteric and daunting visions that dance in your mind? That's where I thrive. I specialize in turning those grand aspirations into actionable, tangible steps. Your truth is sacred in this space—it's your confessional, a sanctuary where honesty births self-discovery, and every truth finds a warm embrace.

With years of experience as a consultant and owning my own business, I've been dubbed a "biz intuitive." Countless individuals have found solace and direction in their career decisions, launched new businesses, fostered passion projects, deepened relationships, and realigned their lives—all through the power of perspective shifts and discovering what else is possible.

So, whether you're seeking alignment tweaks, solutions to intricate problems, or that missing puzzle piece to uncover your next move, consider this space your haven. Together, let's unearth your truth and chart a course toward the fulfilling second half you've been yearning for.

Deb On the Floor